Movement & Sport Sciences - Science & Motricité - À paraître
Olympic Bidding and Social License: A Micro Analysis of a Public Debate Harry Hiller Accepted: 29/11/2024
DEVELOMENT AND VALIDATION OF THE TEST OF IMPLICIT MOTOR IMAGERY 2ND VERSION ON A FRENCH DEVELOPMENTAL POPULATION: TIMI-2 Frédéric Puyjarinet, Jean-François Connan, Jessica Nesensohn, Régis Soppelsa and Antoine Seilles Accepted: 27/10/2024
Physical Education Teacher Training in Sweden
– challenges and possibilities for a future re-orientation
Suzanne Lundvall Accepted: 29/11/2024
Measuring students’ emotional self-regulation within a classroom physical activity breaks program in primary school: a mixed-methods study associated with data triangulation Nolwenn Chesnais, Genevieve Cabagno and Claudia Verret Accepted: 29/11/2024
The STAPS era: the quality of PE teacher formation in France (1975-2023) JeanNicolas RENAUD Accepted: 29/11/2024
Financial Gigantism at the Winter Olympics: Myth or reality? A comparative analysis of the revenues of the Winter Olympics since 2002 Yannick Rinker and Holger Preuss Accepted: 29/11/2024
Governing the Olympic Winter Games: Reflections from Canada Milena M. Parent Accepted: 29/11/2024
The 1936 Winter Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: the other “Nazi Games” between boycott and success. Edoardo Molinelli Accepted: 29/11/2024
Advancing Quality Physical Education in Europe : A Scoping Review on Physical Literacy and the Bioecological Model Matthieu STIOUI, Lisa LEFEVRE, Christelle TRIO and christophe schnitzler Accepted: 06/12/2024
Les Jeux Olympiques d’hiver d’Albertville 1992 : des Jeux aux accents européens Florent LEFEVRE Accepted: 21/12/2024
Winning the 1968 Winter Olympics: Conflict among NATO Allies Heather Dichter Accepted: 21/12/2024
Exploring the emotions and emotional antecedents of lower skilled female middle school students in differing curricular approaches to teaching physical education Kelly Simonton, Madelyn Carson and Tristan Wallhead Accepted: 23/12/2024
Temporal invariance of Sport Emotion Questionnaire scores using exploratory structural equation modelling. Guillaume Levillain, Guilaume Martinent, Philippe Vacher and Michel Nicolas Accepted: 23/12/2024
Exploring relationships between youth athlete’s emotions, perceptions of coaching climates, and social-emotional development Marko Pavlovic, Kelly Simonton and Laura Casey Accepted: 12/01/2025
The pre-competitive preparation activity of expert coaches in artistic gymnastics and the management of physical risks: Co-constructing an efficient practice ecosystem
Cathy Rolland and Lionel Roche Accepted: 16/10/2024
Development of Physiological, Anthropometric and Psychological Parameters in Adolescent Ice Hockey Players Vincent Huard Pelletier, Jean Lemoyne and François Trudeau Accepted: 12/11/2024
Histoire de l'évaluation des J.O. d'hiver : de la valorisation des bénéfices à la minimisation des coûts. Eric Barget Accepted: 29/11/2024
The spatial dimension in the Winter Olympics: From local to regionalisation model. Valerio della Sala Accepted: 29/11/2024