Call for papers – Special issue of the Movement & Sport Sciences

Action sports on a global scale, industry, sport tourism and international framework

Guest Editors: Pierre Durand (University of Bordeaux - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) ; André Suchet (University of Bordeaux - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) ; Belinda Wheaton (University of Waikato - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) ; Derek van Rheenen (University of Berkeley, California - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

The increase in nature-based and alternative, informal sports and recreational activities since the 1970s have been the subject of numerous studies worldwide studies. Different terminologies have emerged, provoking intellectual debate. The name “action sports”, for which this special issue invites particular reflection, is prevalent in the literature. The aims of this special issue are to develop knowledge about:

  • The development of dedicated industries which include manufacturers, suppliers, and various distribution channels, both existing and emerging, their development, and strategies for growth.
  • The interaction between action sports and sport tourism to understand the particularities of these emergent activities and how their material and social relations can lead to new forms of sport tourism.
  • New understandings of, and epistemological approaches to, the concept of “action sports.

Articles should not exceed 44,000 characters (including spaces).

The timetable for the special issue is as follows:
May 15th 2024 : deadline for submission of the article
Interested authors can send an abstract to the guest editors for their comments.

100 years of Olympic Winter Games

Guest Editors: Mickaël Terrien (Université de Lausanne – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ); Jean-Loup Chappelet (Université de Lausanne – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

The resort of Chamonix (France) staged in January 1924 a « week of winter sports in connexion with the Games of the VIII Olympiad » (in Paris during the next summer). This week was later recognised by the International Olympic Committee as the first Olympic Winter Games, first in a long list of Winter Games uninterrupted until today except during the second Word War. This special issue intends to commemorate this historical fact and to emphasise the socioeconomic dimension of the Winter Games which have been much less studied that the Summer Games or other large sports events despite their importance for all the sports practiced on snow or ice as stipulated by the Olympic Charter. Beyond the historical dimensions, papers which will show the social and economic import of some of these Games for the territories which organised them and, more and more, for the counties which were candidates to host them. The question of the future of the Winter Games will also be discussed taking into consideration climate change and the evolution of public interest for winter sports.

The timetable for the special issue is as follows:
* End of May 1st: submission of the article
* End of June: feedback from experts
* End of August: submission of the revised article

Towards « Quality Physical Education » – Strategies and content of training approaches for Physical Education teachers in Europe

Guest editors: Sarah Pochon (Université d’Artois – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ); Nathalie Jelen (Université d’Artois – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

Faced with the decline in physical activity, the increase in overweight and obesity or the ultra-presence of social networks, supporting students towards "Quality Physical Education" is a priority issue for the European Union, which has set itself new objectives in terms of education and training. What are the strategies and content developed in the initial training of Physical Education teachers in European countries committed to this educational ambition?
The objective of this special issue is to draw a portrait of European training systems with isomorphic processes but perhaps governed by similar educational issues in order to identify the ways in which future PE teachers are trained and prepared to implement a "quality PE". Empirical articles or reviews of the literatur, written in English or French, from multiple disciplinary approaches (history, sociology, political science, education science, ethnography, etc.) can be submitted.

Deadline for submission: March 31th 2024

Emotions in sport and physical education: a diversity of conceptual and methodological approaches

Guest editors: Oriane Petiot (Université de Bretagne Occidentale - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ); Jerome Visioli (Université Rennes 2- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and Gilles Kermarrec (Université de Bretagne Occidentale - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

The emotional dimensions of the activity in sport and physical education have been the subject of a growing number of studies since the beginning of the 2000s. Various theories and concepts are mobilized to analyze emotions in sport and educational science (i.e., emotional experience, emotional intelligence, emotional labor, coping). The studies based on these concepts also referred to various research methods, qualitative, quantitative or mixed. First, the objective of this special issue is to highlight the diversity of concepts and methods used by researchers. Second, we would to reveal their differences, their complementarities, or their proximities, to better understand the role of emotions in sport and PE. Original empirical articles and reviews of the literature may be proposed to compose this issue.

Deadline for submission: October 30th 2023

« Psychophysiological aspects of motor performance »

Gest editor: Romuald Lepers

Motor performance is influenced by interactions between the physiology and psychology of individuals. This special issue aims to present innovative contributions to improve our understanding of the influence of psychophysiological aspects on motor performance (e.g., perception of effort, perception of pain, cognitive/mental fatigue, ego depletion). Scientific contributions such as original experimental studies or literature reviews can be submitted as part of this special issue.

Deadline for submission: May 15th 2022

« Sports, popular culture and material culture »

Gest editors: Sébastien Laffage-Cosnier, Audrey Tuaillon Demésy, Yann Descamps, Sidney Grosprêtre

At a time when sport is increasingly anchored in our everyday lives and objects, as well as in popular culture, this special issue intends to study these sports and/or playful practices which produce – or derive from – this culture, focusing on material goods, which are both products and reflections of a given society. It will focus on the production, consumption and use of these objects – from toys to mobile apps and media productions), but also on the behaviors, norms and rituals they create. Favoring pluri- and transdisciplinary approaches, this issue will explore several themes, including education, identity, sociability, media, heritage, imagination, as well as innovation, and both technical and technological progress.

Articles should not exceed 44,000 characters (including spaces).

Deadline for submission: april 30th 2021

Attention and sports performance: From cognitive processes to implications for learning and competition

Guest editors : Guillaume Chauvel – University of Paris-Est-Creteil – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ; François Maquestiaux – University of Franche-Comte, Besançon – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Attention and concentration greatly influence motor learning and performance. The attentional processes vary depending on whether one is preparing for the action to come, in the midst of performing it, or trying to forget a recent setback. The stage of learning, the level of expertise, the characteristics of the individual (for example, their age, their level of fatigue…) as well as issues relating to the context (e.g., training session or must-win match) are also important sources of variation in attention.

This thematic issue aims to bring together research located at the crossroads between attentional processes and motor control. Original empirical articles and well-argued theoretical syntheses are welcome.

Submission deadline: September 30, 2020 (in English or French)

Sciences and technologies to improve top-level sport performances in sport

Editors: Nicolas Benguigui, Julie Boiché, Romuald Lepers, Dominique Bodin, Aymeric Guillot

Research and technologies in the domain of sport performance have significantly improved in the last decades. This special issue in the perspective of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris aims to present innovative contributions which address the effective use of scientific methods to serve top-level athletes and coaches. Scientific contributions such as original experimental study or literature review can be submitted as part of this special issue.

Submission Deadline: May 31st 2020

Psychological and behavioral processes of social influence in the context of sport and physical activity

Editor: Julie Boiché – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Guest editor: David Trouilloud – MCF HDR Université Grenoble Alpes – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Because of their interactive nature, and/or of the rather frequent presence of others during practice, sports and physical activities represent a context susceptible to numerous and various modalities of social influence. This special issue will present an update on the psychological and behavioral processes through which social influence may operate – albeit via an interpersonal relationship (e.g., coach-athlete, teacher-student, parent-child), or due to the appurtenance to certain social categories (e.g., gender, age) – in the field of sport, exercise, and physical activity. Both literature review on theoretical approaches or research questions, and articles presenting original results from empirical studies, will be welcomed. Proposals for articles are to be up-loaded the submission platform of the journal. Authors have to follow the instructions to authors.

Submission Deadline: December 30th 2019
Publication: June 2020

Sports organisations and management research: the changing boundaries between public and private operators

Guest editors: Christophe DURAND (Caen-Normandie University - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ) and Jeanne-Maud JARTHON (Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée University - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

This special issue will address the relationship between public (State, communities) and private (companies, associations) operators and the changes which occurred in this area.

Whether competitive or party sport events, tourism linked to physical activities, proximity sport events, dedicated infrastructures, this thematic issue aims to show the observed operative methods and the questions raised by the public-private pair, the ones it raises and the ones it will raise in the future in France and other countries.

Proposals for articles are to be up-loaded the submission platform of the journal. Authors have to follow the instructions to authors;

Submission Deadline: November 30th 2019
Publication: June 2020